
Discover travel tips, amenities, and seamless connections at major hubs, ensuring a smooth journey for every traveler. From efficient layovers to insider insights on terminals and transportation, plan your next flight with confidence. Explore our expert reviews and essential information for a stress-free airport experience

  • Why Are There No Black Airplanes? The Truth Revealed

    Why Are There No Black Airplanes? The Truth Revealed

    White airplanes are typically the expected norm. But sitting on those long flights gives you time to think and wonder why exactly that is. Why aren’t they black, for example? It’s actually a myth that there are no black airplanes. However, there are very few of them because it’s easiest to notice damage to a…

  • Can You Visit A Hotel Guest Without Checking In?

    Can You Visit A Hotel Guest Without Checking In?

    You may not have considered whether people can visit you at a hotel until you’ve invited someone up to your room. However, you should know the rules so that your hotel’s rules don’t take you by surprise. Helping you avoid what could be an embarrassing situation. People can visit you at a hotel in most…

  • Printing At The Airport: Is It Possible?

    Printing At The Airport: Is It Possible?

    If you’re traveling with boarding passes sent to your email, you may speculate if you can print passes at the airport. Printing tickets and other essential travel documents at the airport is convenient if you forget to do so or don’t own a printer. But can you print anything else at the airport?  You can…

  • Airport Car Rental: How To Do It Without A Flight

    Airport Car Rental: How To Do It Without A Flight

    Traveling can be a fun way to learn about new cultures and find some quality relaxation, and renting a car can be a quick and convenient way to navigate. While it may be normal for some, the rental process can be tricky for first-timers due to some common misconceptions. You can rent a car from…

  • How To Safely Leave Your Car At The Airport

    How To Safely Leave Your Car At The Airport

    Some of us are lucky enough to have someone drive us to the airport when we leave on a trip. However, the rest of us don’t have that privilege and may need to drive ourselves before taking off. However, while airport parking is always available, can you leave your car at the airport? You can…

  • Top 10 Airports With The Most Runways In The World

    Top 10 Airports With The Most Runways In The World

    A number of airports have multiple runways to provide more flight options based on wind direction and magnitude. So, which airports have the most runways in the world?  The airports with the most runways in the world are O’Hare International (with eight) and Dallas/Fort Worth International (with seven). Other airports, such as Amsterdam Schiphol, Denver…

  • Can You Bring a Lightsaber on a Flight?

    Can You Bring a Lightsaber on a Flight?

    Imagine this; you’ve just headed to Galaxy’s Edge, flown the Millenium Falcon, and built your droid at the Droid Depot. Now, you are headed to Savi’s Workshop to customize your lightsaber to keep the Force’s tradition alive. Suddenly, an important question pops up in your mind, can I even take this lightsaber on airplanes? Well,…

  • Why Are TSA Agents So Rude? The Real Reason

    Why Are TSA Agents So Rude? The Real Reason

    What’s the worst part about flying? Is it the long lines? The baggage fees? The cramped seats? No. it turns out that for most people, it’s the Transport Security Administration – aka, the TSA. The TSA is tasked with keeping us safe when we fly, but they have a bit of a PR problem. A…

  • Heathrow Airport: Can You Enter On Foot?

    Heathrow Airport: Can You Enter On Foot?

    Heathrow is without a doubt one of the busiest airports in the world- it transports tens of millions of passengers in a year. Many passengers staying in the airports surrounding airports often winder if they can walk into the airport? Do you really need a car? Physically speaking, it is possible to walk into some…