Can You Park at a Hotel Without Staying There?
If you’re thinking of parking in a hotel parking lot when you’re not staying at the hotel, it would be wise to check if this is allowed before you try and enter the parking lot.
Helpful tips and guides when traveling or on vacation. Information that is not often shared and sometimes hard to find in Google. We share local knowledge and information that will make your vacation easier and more fun.
If you’re thinking of parking in a hotel parking lot when you’re not staying at the hotel, it would be wise to check if this is allowed before you try and enter the parking lot.
Although these protective measures work perfectly, if you suspect housekeeping stole from you, it is best to take action right away.
Just bear in mind that the hotel is doing you a favor here – they’re not obligated to let you stay if you can’t give them the documentation that they ask for.
A random person from the street cannot show up at a hotel and demand to know if you’re staying there, but the police can turn up and ask those questions.
Before you pop that pair of slippers in your luggage thinking no one will notice, it might be worth checking if they’re included complimentary or not.
Despite the lack of formal soundproofing, most hotels do have insulated rooms that may well keep some noise out (or in!), but they’re not usually soundproof by design.
Sharing rooms with others may be a way to save money. Let’s have a look at our secret tips for avoiding this charge.
Yes, you can book a hotel for someone else. However, depending on the hotel chain, there may well be some restrictions.
While spray sunscreens are aerosols that contain alcohol, this will only explode if it is exposed to high temperatures.
Today, most bookings are done virtually either through an app, website, or third-party online agent.