Rage rooms are a relatively new concept and they may not be listed in a centralized directory or are easy to find near you.
A rage room can also be known as an “anger room” or “smash room,” it’s a place where people can go to release their anger and stress by breaking things in a controlled environment.
Most rage rooms provide all the equipment such as baseball bats, hammers, and sledgehammers that you’ll need to break things like plates, glasses, and other small items. Others may have objects like old electronics, printers, etc. It’s something like a cathartic experience for people with pent-up emotions or stress.
Rage rooms have become more popular in recent years, but they are still not found in every city or town across America.
The best way to find a rage room near you would be to search for them online using keywords like “rage room,” “anger room,” or “smash room” along with the name of your city or state.
Here at travelspock, we are visiting as many as possible to review them to help you pick the perfect event and location.
Below are a few of the best that we have visited listed in Orange and linked to their details. All the other states and Cities listed may not have been reviewed yet.
We’re working our way through the list and will update it as soon as we have it.
Rage Rooms Near Me
- Alabama
- Birmingham
- Montgomery
- Mobile
- Huntsville
- Alaska
- Anchorage
- Fairbanks
- Juneau
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Little Rock
- Fort Smith
- Fayetteville
- Springdale
- California
- Colorado
- Denver
- Colorado Springs
- Aurora
- Fort Collins
- Connecticut
- Bridgeport
- Hartford
- New Haven
- Stamford
- Delaware
- Wilmington
- Dover
- Newark
- Florida
- Georgia
- Atlanta
- Augusta
- Columbus
- Savannah
- Hawaii
- Honolulu
- Hilo
- Kailua
- Idaho
- Boise
- Nampa
- Meridian
- Idaho Falls
- Illinois
- Chicago
- Aurora
- Rockford
- Joliet
- Indiana
- Indianapolis
- Fort Wayne
- Evansville
- South Bend
- Iowa
- Des Moines
- Cedar Rapids
- Davenport
- Sioux City
- Kansas
- Wichita
- Overland Park
- Kansas City
- Topeka
- Kentucky
- Louisville
- Lexington
- Bowling Green
- Owensboro
- Louisiana
- New Orleans
- Baton Rouge
- Shreveport
- Lafayette
- Maine
- Portland
- Lewiston
- Bangor
- South Portland
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Boston
- Worcester
- Springfield
- Lowell
- Michigan
- Detroit
- Grand Rapids
- Warren
- Sterling Heights
- Minnesota
- Minneapolis
- St. Paul
- Rochester
- Duluth
- Mississippi
- Jackson
- Gulfport
- Southaven
- Hattiesburg
- Missouri
- Kansas City
- St. Louis
- Springfield
- Independence
- Montana
- Billings
- Missoula
- Great Falls
- Bozeman
- Nebraska
- Omaha
- Lincoln
- Bellevue
- Grand Island
- Nevada
- Las Vegas
- Reno
- Henderson
- North Las Vegas
- New Hampshire
- Manchester
- Nashua
- Concord
- Rochester
- New Jersey
- Newark
- Jersey City
- Paterson
- Elizabeth
- New Mexico
- Albuquerque
- Las Cruces
- Santa Fe
- Roswell
- New York
- New York City
- Buffalo
- Rochester
- Yonkers
- North Carolina
- Charlotte
- Raleigh
- Greensboro
- Durham
- North Dakota
- Fargo
- Bismarck
- Grand Forks
- Minot
- Ohio
- Akron
- Columbus
- Cleveland
- Cincinnati
- Toledo
- Oklahoma
- Oklahoma City
- Tulsa
- Norman
- Lawton
- Oregon
- Portland
- Salem
- Eugene
- Gresham
- Pennsylvania
- Philadelphia
- Pittsburgh
- Allentown
- Erie
- Rhode Island
- Providence
- Warwick
- Cranston
- Pawtucket
- South Carolina
- Columbia
- Charleston
- North Charleston
- Mount Pleasant
- South Dakota
- Sioux Falls
- Rapid City
- Aberdeen
- Watertown
- Tennessee
- Memphis
- Nashville
- Knoxville
- Chattanooga
- Texas
- Utah
- Salt Lake City
- West Valley City
- Provo
- West Jordan
- Vermont
- Burlington
- Essex
- South Burlington
- Colchester
- Virginia
- Virginia Beach
- Norfolk
- Chesapeake
- Richmond
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Charleston
- Huntington
- Parkersburg
- Morgantown
- Wisconsin
- Milwaukee
- Madison
- Green Bay
- Kenosha
- Wyoming
- Cheyenne
- Casper
- Laramie
- Gillette
If you need to know more about rage rooms before you book one then you should take a look at our complete guide to rage rooms here!
Final Thoughts
Please keep in mind that Rage rooms are not available in every state, they may be limited to certain areas, also while they can provide a form of catharsis, it may not be suitable for everyone.
Many also implement a strict age policy. So, check before going!
So, it’s important to evaluate your feelings and thoughts and take caution if you are considering visiting one, and always consider the safety measures provided by the rage room. Be aware of others around you, and stay safe.
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